

Microcontrollori BASIC:

Microcontrollori C/C++:

Embedded PC:

I/O Distribuito e convertitori:
   Moduli TOPSCCC

Prodotti Integrati:

Panel PC:


Microcontrollers / Peripherals

VAST bus peripherals

The VAST is a SPI/I2C bus that allows the microcontroller to be interfaced together with many peripherals using a flat cable.

V4RLYOPTO4 relays / 4 opto isolated inputs board (manual)
V8RLYOPTO8 relays / 8 opto isolated inputs board (manual)
V8ZPWRLY8 zero power relay board (manual)
V16OPTO16 opto isolated inputs board (manual)
V32TTL32 I/O TTL board (manual)
VAIODIO88 DIO / 4 A/D board (manual)
VAIO8/VADC88 10bit A/D / 8 8bit D/A board (manual)
VAIO12/VADC128 12bit A/D / 4 12bit D/A board (manual)
VADC245 24bit A/D board (manual)
V8DIGIT8 value / 7 segments LED board (manual)
V8x8LED8x8 LED board (manual)

PC/104 bus peripherals

For multitasking microcontrollers, in addition to the VAST bus you have the possibility to connect some peripherals to the PC/104 bus, to have more communication speed with the peripheral.

B4SERIAL4 RS-232 serial ports board (manual)
BADC1216 12bit A/D board (manual)
BPCMCIAPCMCIA socket for flash memories board Periferi (manual)

Keypads and LCD displays

On every Vesta microcontrollers is possibile to connect directly onboard keypads (4x4 max) and LCD displays (4x20 max), controlling all this with Vesta Basic functions.

SYSM-KB14Membrane 1x4 keyboard
SYSM-KB44Membrane 4x4 keyboard
SYSM-DS2162x16 LCD Display
SYSM-DS2202x20 LCD Display
SYSM-DS4164x16 LCD Display
SYSM-DS4204x20 LCD Display
